New Patient Visit
55 mins  . $ 199.00

This is an initial visit for *new* chiropractic patients in our office OR those who have not been treated in our office in 2+ years.

The 55 minute appointment consists of an examination, a review of health history and treatment with Dr. Scott Nissenbaum, DC.

Treatment includes traditional, gentle adjustments and/or Active Release Therapy (ART), a soft tissue mobilization therapy that complements chiropractic care.
Treatment Visit
25 mins  . $ 110.00

This is a chiropractic treatment visit for *established* patients in our office..

The appointment includes 25 minutes of treatment time with Dr. Scott Nissenbaum, DC.. Treatment includes traditional, gentle adjustments and/or Active Release Therapy (ART), a soft tissue mobilization therapy that complements chiropractic care.

If you have not been treated by a DC in our office in 2+ years, please schedule a New Patient Visit.
Massage Therapy (1 hour)
60 mins  . $ 135.00

Massage Therapy (1.5 hrs)
90 mins  . $ 190.00

A 90 minute appointment is recommended for first-time massage clients so the massage therapist can provide a comprehensive, full body treatment & assessment.
Massage Therapy (2 hrs)
120 mins  . $ 260.00

Ear Candling w/ Lymphatic Massage (1 hr)
60 mins  . $ 135.00

This one hour experience includes a painless, holistic Ear Candling treatment which can remove earwax & pollen, alleviate sinus congestion, and reduce ringing of the ears, ear infection, headaches, migraines, & hearing problems.

The candling treatment itself takes about 30-45 minutes, depending on the client. The remaining time will include massage of the neck, shoulders and sinuses.

The procedure is effective in both children and adults. However, it is not recommended for those with a perforated eardrum or tube in their ears.

Ancient cultures made reference to Ear Candling, dating back to 2500 B.C..

Ear Candling is not a cure for any disease, illness or ailment. We believe Ear Candling can have many positive health benefits for you.

Business Information

1100 Laurel Street Suite D
San Carlos, CA 94070-5000

** If you would like an appointment TODAY, 
please call to ask if there are any 
last minute openings.** 


Click here for FAQs:



If your card is not already on file in our *new* system,
you will be asked to enter one upon scheduling.

Existing patients who have a card on file in our "old"
system will be asked to enter a card when booking online.


Late cancellations or changes will be charged 
the full value of the scheduled visit.           


We are open 5-6 days 
per week by appointment only.                                      
(650) 226-8348