Standard visit (1credit 20mins)
20 mins

Extended session (2credits 40mins)
40 mins

Extended session (3credits 60 mins)
60 mins

Extended Session (4credits 80mins)
80 mins

Re-exam (1credit 60 mins)
60 mins

Extended Exam
120 mins

New Patient (60 mins)
80 mins

Intensive Short (6credits)
120 mins

Intensive Long (9credits)
180 mins

Workshop/Class (120 mins)
120 mins

CORE - Genius
120 mins  . $ 300.00

Individual session or small group - up to 3 ppl
CORE - Central Operating Response Examination. What is your Genius and are you operating from that. Explore what makes you choose what you do and discover how to stay within the alignment of yourself.
CORE - Genius Group
240 mins  . $ 100.00

Group session - up to 8 ppl
CORE - Central Operating Response Examination. What is your Genius and are you operating from that. Explore what makes you choose what you do and discover how to stay within the alignment of yourself.
Consultation - Phone/Video
20 mins  . $ 0.00

Patient can join by phone or video meeting with the doctor to have questions answered before or after care has been established.
Consultation Short - In Person
20 mins  . $ 0.00

In person meeting with the doctor to have questions answered before or after care has been established.
Consultation Long
40 mins  . $ 50.00

Focused time for questions about your concerns. time permitting may allow for an examination to follow. Fee will be rolled into the cost of your exam.

Business Information

405 State Highway 121 Bypass Suite A250
Lewisville, TX 75067
Monday 9am - 2pm
Tuesday 2pm - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 2pm                                        
(972) 951-9355